This has been a while since my last message on this blog! This is time to give some news...
I have plenty of things to say, of pictures to show, as I made many trips after Chicago. But I would like to show you what can be a regular weekend in Florida.
Thus let's speak about last Saturday. I woke up at 8:00 am (yes, I made it!) in order to drive to Key Largo with a friend, about 1h South.
We arrived there just on time to jump on a boat that went through the mangrove...
...and brought us on the coral reef, 4 miles away from the shore, for 1.5 hour of snorkeling.
The first think that comes to the eyes is the wonderful color of the ocean...
Then we jumped in this cristal-clear water. First sight and first conch for Adrien:
2 minutes after, he found a lobster:
Then we swam around this beautiful reef...
... watching colorful fishes...
Then, we made one of the most amazing encounter I'd ever made:
We spent more than 10 minutes swimming with this sea turtle. I almost fell asleep. This was wonderful, so beautiful.
I also leant that the only enemies of the adult sea turtle are...plastic bags, which look like jellyfishes therefore yummy for a sea turtle. The turtle then eats the plastic bag and die... It is not necessary to see a sea turtle to be scandalized, but once you see that you may be able to kill people who leave their trash on the beach. This had to be said. Now let's go back to the beauty of the ocean...
After this amazing swim with the turtle, it was time to go back on the boat and say goodbye to the reef.
We went back to Key Largo and its mangrove.
We then decided to explore these waters, and that was pretty different than what we saw before! The mangrove trees actually give a yellow-red color to the water that was not as clear as on the reef:
But there is life in there also:
We kept exploring but it was not that easy because we could not see very far...
We met some amazing creatures though...
We saw 7 stingrays, lying down on the bottom. We had to be careful because this can be very nasty if the ray stings you.
But we did not feel really endangered, at least not as much as I felt after, when we were swimming in the black water and 3 nurse sharks showed up 2 meters away of me... Sorry I din't take pictures, I swam back as fast as I could to the beach instead!
Hopefully, everything was ok...
Before that, we had the time to see some cannons and the anchor of a Spanish ship from the 17th or 18th century...